Residence From an Accredited Employer Work Visa

A great way to join the New Zealand job markets is by getting a job offer from a New Zealand Accredited Employer. This mode is quicker than the regular one. The accredited employer does not need to go through a labor market test. So the work visa processing time is shorter comparatively.
You can apply for a job by using the accredited employers list that is available in the public domain. You may check for employment opportunities on their websites. If you get a job offer from an accredited employer, you can start working for them, starting your resident status pathway with it.
The duration of an accredited employer work visa is for 30 months, and you must be 55 or under to apply. You would have to work without a break in employment for 24 months for being considered for a resident visa. There are two visas which fall under the purview of Accredited Employer Work Visa, and they are:
If a New Zealand accredited employer has offered you a job, you can apply for this visa. Further, you can work for them for two years and then apply for a resident visa.
If you have been employed for 2 years or more with a New Zealand accredited employer and earn at least the minimum salary that was applicable at the time you applied for the visa, you become eligible for this resident visa.